Fruit & Veg

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Picking fresh fruit and veg you have grown yourself is one of those memorable and defining moments in life, and one that often gets people hooked on growing things. Check out the grow your own range here at Garden Bargains and you'll soon have a new favourite hobby.

You can grow strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, fruit bushes and other fruits and we also make it easy to grow your own vegetables. Check out our range of veg and potatoes - you'll be cooking meals from home-grown produce in no time!

We offer a hand-picked choice of the best plants and seeds around, working with leading UK, Dutch and other European breeders to offer varieties so new that they are only just appearing on supermarket shelves.

For fruit beginners, our Complete Fruit Bush Garden, comprising raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants, blackberries and gooseberries, is a great way to get kitted out, and is perfect in pots on patios, or planted together in a small fruit garden.

Our dwarf fruit trees are suitable for smaller gardens, as their natural rootstocks keep them short and manageable to grow and harvest. They can even be grown in larger pots on the patio, especially the stunning red-fleshed "Red Valentine" and "Green Skyrocket". Specially selected to be self-fertile, no other trees are needed to pollinate them either.

Our top tip for growing your own fruit is to encourage bees in your garden at blossom time. All fruit is created by bees pollinating flowers. Pollen-rich flowers such as crab apples, hawthorn hedges, daffodils and hellebores are the ideal companion for fruit trees; while buddleia, foxglove and lavender assist the flowering of raspberries, strawberries and vines.

Growing your own food is easy with the fantastic selection at Garden Bargains, so place your order today. Enjoy the convenience of delivery straight to your door and get growing in no time.

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