Fruit Trees

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Here at Garden Bargains, we have a fantastic range of fruit trees for sale. You'll find everything from apple trees and pear trees that are ready to plant, to dwarf fruit trees that can simply be displayed on your patio. You'll be enjoying delicious home-grown produce in no time!

"Bare-root" fruit trees are a cost-effective and easy way to supply fruit trees to gardeners. Supplied straight from our cold stores to you at home, you can be assured of top-quality fruit trees that will burst into leaf and blossom as the weather warms up in spring. Our selection includes cherry trees and peach trees.

As we work only with growers who supply commercial orchards, you can rest assured that our fruit trees will deliver fantastic yields. Plus, they are on dwarfing rootstocks, reaching around two metres in ten years, so are easy to manage and pick fruit from.

If you have limited space, or want to improve the look of a patio area, make sure to take a look at our dwarf fruit trees. We also have family fruit trees that enable you to grow two varieties of fruit at once!

After planting, water your bare root fruit trees well, especially in warm spring weather, and the new roots and shoots will appear. You may even get a few fruits this year! Bumper crops will be produced for years afterwards, making fruit trees an investment that keeps on giving.

Buy fruit trees online at Garden Bargains today, and you'll be able to enjoy fruit at just a penny or two a pound for decades. You can shop in confidence thanks to our Lifetime Guarantee!

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