Spring Flowering Bulbs

Spring flowering bulbs bring life back to your garden after the long, cold winter months. From early flowering Hyacinth and Narcissi, to Tulips and Alliums that flower later, bridging the transition from spring to summer, there's a bulb here for everyone!
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While Spring is often seen as the beginning of the gardening year, many important tasks are better carried out in autumn if you want to ensure a productive flowering season the following year, and it is indeed the case with autumn planting bulbs. Very undemanding, spring flowering bulbs will reward you tenfold with their early colourful display, and when Winter is at its coldest and darkest, your spirit will be lifted by the sight of these crocuses and snowdrops peeping out of the snow, heralding the arrival of warmer days. Autumn planting bulbs encompass many popular and attractive families of flowers, and offer colours and shapes to suit all tastes.
Daffodils and narcissi will brighten up your garden with a splash of yellow and conjure up images of newborn lambs. Tulips are another popular choice, and it is no wonder when a single family of flowers offers so much variety. Delicately coloured hyacinths, while often grown in pots indoors, can actually be grown successfully outdoors.

Working with one of Holland's leading bulb specialist in the famous Keukenhof area, YouGarden have put together a sumptuous range of easy-to-grow bulbs which will perform as well in your garden as in your home.

Our bulbs packs include big counts and top sized bulbs for results every time. Contact Garden Bargains now to order yours and prepare your garden this autumn for an explosion of colours.

Why not also browse our range of Summer Flowering Bulbs and keep that colour in your garden all season long!

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